Here to support you in finding freedom in creativity, a workflow, to answer questions, and to create a community. We will work together and create some magic.
Mentor Session Packages

Photoshoot // 3 Hours
Focus on your art, your passion, growing. We will plan a completely unique and special concept for you to shoot with professional models and have a chat after about workflow, editing, etc. I am here for you to find freedom in creating for yourself.

In Person // 1 hours
Let's meet in person, grab some grub or coffee (come with me on a mission to find the best matcha latte), and ask me anything! We can edit together, plan a shoot together, chat about the industry, I am here for you in all aspects.

Zoom Session // 1 hour
Ask me anything over one hour time on a video call. How to start, editing, workflow, coming up with concepts, finding models, etc. I am here for you and any questions you have.